It’s Murder Under the Basket, 1976

No officiating changes are going to eliminate rough play from professional basketball. It has become part of the game, every aspect of it. 

George Gervin: Chillin’ with The Iceman, 1988

[No intro needed for George Gervin. His many career achievements and chill image precede him. In this article, which ran in the April 1988 issue of Basketball Digest, Glenn Rogers of the San Antonio Express newspaper checks in with the 35-year-old Iceman to mark an upcoming city-wide ceremony to fete their retired pro basketball heroContinue reading “George Gervin: Chillin’ with The Iceman, 1988”

Lamar Green: I’ll Be There, 1970

Lamar Green remembered: “In came this little kid, and he had his fingers all taped up and his wrist taped. I wasn’t going to say anything, but the other kids started laughing at him, saying who did he think he was, the Hawk or somebody?”

Bill Willoughby: Playing One-on-None, 1990

Trouble with agents, trouble with coaches, trouble with people to whom he gave his trust has accompanied Willoughby throughout his basketball career like a persistent little sister.