Sidney Wicks: Getting Under Rick Barry’s Skin, 1974

When Wicks’ love-taps continued and grew in intensity, Barry blew up and blasted the refs. Apparently, he didn’t phrase his complaint in delicate language, because the refs offered Rick a comfortable seat on the bench for the rest of the night.

Alvan Adams: The Game I’ll Never Forget, 1982

“It’s all like a dream,” said the Oklahoma Kid, rookie Alvan Adams. “I keep thinking I’m going to wake up and it won’t be real.

Rick Barry Rates His All-Time Opponents, 1980

As one of the few players who had the chance to play pro basketball in three different decades (the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s), it also was my fortune to play both against—and with—most of the great players produced by the National Basketball Association.

Why Larry Bird and Earvin Johnson Could Change the Face of Pro Basketball, 1980

It is a splendid irony that both Johnson and Larry Bird wore No. 33 in college—the precise number worn by Jabbar, one of the NBA’s brightest stars. Both the Lakers and Celtics have good reason to feel that these two newcomers will match Jabbar’s number in more ways than one.

Indy’s Roger Brown Makes Them Forget Big O, 1971

Most of the shell Brown had been hiding in for so long has been shed, and he has hatched into a beautiful bird of basketball, confident and immensely skilled.